Bay of Quinte MP Ryan Williams reacts to the recent announcement of Federal funding for CFB Trenton
March 11, 2024
Bay of Quinte MP Ryan Williams says last week’s announcement of funding for CFB Trenton is good news for this region, but he is cautiously optimistic about when it will happen. The Federal Government announced on Friday an investment of $850 million to upgrade CFB Trenton so it can host Canada’s new fleet of CC-330 Husky Strategic Tanker Transport Aircraft. MP Ryan Williams says it is wonderful to see the Air Mobility Squadron of CFB Trenton get the support it needs. MP Williams says “It is great to hear the promise of more expansion in Quinte West. CFB Trenton is Canada’s largest Air Force base, and this will benefit Canada as a whole. For quite some time, the Conservative Party has been pushing Ottawa for an investment in our military.”
MP Williams says “My question to the Federal Government is when? When will we see this $850 million dollar investment come to reality? Two years ago, the Department of National Defense announced a $415 million construction project for the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit at 8 Wing Trenton that would include a new ammunition compound. That project hasn’t even been started. The Federal Government also promised funding to construct 60 new housing units on the base for our military families, but that project hasn’t happened either, so forgive me if I am skeptical about this recent announcement of funding.”